Bloggers in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…

Justin Hughes is a prolific British video blogger who delights in trashing the good name of Christian leaders and has done so for several years. From the head of the Anglican Church, Justin Welby, who he calls ‘the hobbit of Canterbury’ to women in ministry who he terms ‘bitches of babylon’ Hughes belittles people at every opportunity. A bit of harmless fun, you could surmise. But there is nothing harmless about Justin Hughes, he is determined to go for the jugular, raising all kinds of allegations and presenting them as truth.

He himself has gone by several different names from ‘Brother Justin’ to ‘Justin the Preacher’ to ‘Lucas Labrador X’ as it seems his video blogging accounts have been closed down by more than one service provider, including Youtube. Most recently Hughes has treated Christian recording artist Vicky Beeching in a horrific manner after she admitted to same sex attraction. He has also brought severe accusations against GOD TV, some which have had an element of truth and others which are inaccurate.

Armed with his single-shot camera, Hughes has made hundreds of videos, typically against an irrelevant countryside background. These seek to discredit the Body of Christ and Christians who he unilaterally decides are not born again, but ‘type 2 and 3 Christians or ‘broadroaders’ as he terms them. It seems only he and a select few, who follow his ‘narrow way’, are on the right path. He is also outspoken out against Christian media networks including Revelation TV, but it is God TV that seems to be the focus of his venom, not least of which are his allegations of infidelity against the network’s founders.

However it now appears that Justin Hughes has similar allegations against himself to answer for. He seems to have had an extra marital relationship with a son born outside of his marriage, who he has disowned. But none of this is mentioned in Hughes, videos. A young man by the name of Simon Oliver Wike (Hughes) has made these claims in videos published on Youtube, in his unsuccessful attempt to establish a relationship with his father. Also see ‘My 4th Address’

According to a letter written to the young man’s mother, Hughes acknowledges the following: “Simon is my bastard son and the product of my vile past which I have been cleansed of and forgiven for… Simon was a rotten error.. ” This letter is documented on Youtube along with the results of a paternity test and a photo of father and son.

One wonders why Justin Hughes goes out of his way to slander others, especially when he confesses in this letter to having been a “sex pervert, adulterer, fornicator. liar and deceiver” himself. A proverbial case of “the pot calling the kettle black” – or as the title of this post indicates, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

It seems it’s all right that Justin Hughes is forgiven and cleansed, but not for all the various Christian leaders he has targeted and badmouthed in his videos. How could a father abandon his own son and still call himself a Christian. Beggars belief.

Our intention in writing this article is not to vilify Justin Hughes. Just a call to say, stop discrediting the Body of Christ, stalking around snooping for all the dirt you can find. Let God deal with the sin in people’s lives and pray that they be restored. Put your own house in order first. Be reconciled with your son. God is the God of reconciliation. He can reconcile spouses, even spouses who have been unfaithful to each other, and He can turn the heart of the fathers to their sons and the heart of the sons to the fathers. It’s time for Christians to walk in unity and fulfil the Great Commission rather than waste precious time warring with each other.

16 thoughts on “Bloggers in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones…

  1. Linda Jones

    Thank you for taking the time to expose darkness and vindicate those who have been viciously maligned by this individual. GodTV and its Founders, Rory and Wendy, have done much to further the Kingdom of God. I thank God for the Spirit of Truth who always ultimately prevails!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. prographo

    errrr, but this Justin Hughes guy isn’t the one having the affair, that would be the GOD TV guy, right?

    EVERYONE sins before they come to Jesus… so Hughes sinned big before he became a christian, that would be totally normal.

    But the GOD TV guy, is saying he is a christian, and particularly “anointed” one as well (whatever that may mean), so this then is a problem.

    You see, Jesus changes a person…. or perhaps you do not know this?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. christianmediawatch Post author

      Of course Jesus changes a person. He takes a heart of stone and turns it to a heart of flesh. He causes people to love even their enemies. I don’t see any love being shared by bloggers like Justin Hughes, Kate Hillier and others. They seem hell bent on accusing, insulting and gossiping. This is not about singling out one Christian leader who had an affair. He did wrong and will have to answer to God for his actions. However, we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God. This is about countless video and WordPress attacks on many different Christian leaders who are reviled by these so called ‘Christian’ bloggers with a satanic venom, not expected of a true believer in the Bible. In Hughes’ case his is about deep seated prejudice against women, who he calls ‘bitches of Babylon’ – a man who brings the Name of Christ into disrepute, a man who doesn’t care about people least of all his own son who has grown up without a father to show him the narrow way.


      1. prographo

        He shouldn’t be vindictive about it, but I think it is correct to point out sin in leaders, not petty things, but things that count, and adultery definitely counts.

        I think Christians can sin, but adultery is huge, I’m not sure someone with the spirit of God could do that day in day out – they might do it once – then Jesus would bitchslap them into the next millennium. A much more obvious possibility is that the GOD TV guy is simply not born again.


  3. brojustin

    I would not normally bother with such nonsense, but let’s just remember the facts here, and not refer to attacking videos made against me donkey’s years ago…..

    Firstly, this is ANCIENT HISTORY. I was a SINNER before I was saved from sin, and your problem with that is what, exactly? ALL GUILT AND RESPONSIBILITY for what went before my new birth TWENTY NINE YEARS AGO as been purged and the man who did those things is dead and gone. I am born again, and have been for a very long time. And how old are you?

    Secondly, the ‘little boy who wants to see his daddy’ as you portray him has NEVER made any attempt to contact me directly. He does not actually want to know me, and he is actually a pretty objectionable character.

    Thirdly, the videos you have apparently seen on YouTube are ancient, and were his, and his mother’s attempts to discredit me, and have a slant on the truth that is ‘interesting’, shall we just say.

    Neither this ‘little boy who wants to see his daddy’ or his mother, or his family, are God’s people. They are not born again, and they are still in sin, still children of the devil, whom you side with as plainly you have never been born again yourself, and don’t understand.

    ‘The old man has passed away and all things are become new’.

    And ‘this little boy who wants to see his daddy’? He is coming up thirty years old now, and would, no doubt, be pretty offended at being painted as a child. He has never contacted me and the idea that he wants to be ‘reconciled’ with his father is arrant nonsense and lies, such as common among the unsaved. And here you are repeating the lies……..

    NO ONE who is born again is guilty of anything that they did before they were saved from sin; adopted OUT of the camp and family of Satan, into the camp and family of God. But you would not know that, of course……

    Lastly, who on earth made you some sort of Christian police force? Since when does anyone answer to you?!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. christianmediawatch Post author

      Neither you are I are appointed as ‘some sort of Christian police force’ nor does anyone answer to us. However we are both answerable to God for the words we speak; the gossip we spread; etc. Whatever your son feels about you, no matter what age, I believe you have a parental responsibility to him, especially with regard to his salvation. You expect to be understood and treated with respect, grace and forgiveness. Therefore treat others with understanding, grace and forgiveness.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. simon hughes(wike)


      I did make contact many times, I did directly reach out to you when I was younger and even spent time at your home.

      The last time I was with you I was dropped off at the little chef, with a little word to my mother saying words to the effect that you didn’t want to know me and we were to different.

      “NO ONE who is born again is guilty of anything that they did before they were saved from sin” can that be used as a court defense because that is the best get out clause its the most brilliant thing iv’e ever seen written!

      take care
      Simon Hughes!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. lenbenheart

    It is my observation that Brother Justin is often very plain-spoken and forthright in declaring the moral and doctrinal apostasies of our time. He is not perfect; he is not “a diplomat.” He has had flaws and failures like all of us, but that does not detract from the fact that he is RIGHT about the fakery and phoniness of much that passes for “ministry” and money-making schemes disguised as “followers of Christ”. He is also right, in my view, regarding the dangers of the so-called “Ecumenical Movement.” Attacking his character and past is NOT fair to the man, and I can see why he would consider it a form of character-assassination.
    Having said that, I would hope that Justin and his estranged son could be reconciled, but this is highly unlikely if his son sides with his mother {who is apparently very bitter toward Justin} and is not a born-again Christian. Just my 2 cents worth on all this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Karen Wike

      I am not bitter towards Justin, I just think he is a prat and if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have my son! So no I am not bitter!


  5. Lightship

    Hello, I have privately asked you to remove my supportive comments on behalf of Justin Hughes, Please. I have good reason for this; after 7 years of fellowship online almost daily, I have now been accused of being “chastened of God” as a very dangerous operation was needed in removing infected hardware to my heart.
    I was personally stunned by the lack of compassion shown me in my great time of need!
    Even more amazingly to me, is that I am accused of being a lover of American Politics (the world) more than a lover of Christ !
    This all started as I had attempted to correct a younger brother about the “historical illuminatus and Jacobins” . The brother then cut me off all communication, directly after the 2016 election of President Trump! He had even bragged about his ability ignore old friends; (in now only following the name of Christ) ?!
    I have never before been apart and deceived of such a cold calculated group (for so long), which justifies themselves in using the name of Jesus Christ as Disciples.
    All else are simply “the wicked” and they will turn on family and even devoted brethren, simply because they are no longer in agreement with them. This cult of hypocritical “Lordship Salvation” is what (unknowingly) most “Justin’s followers” have come to embrace as truth!


  6. Glenn Robinson

    You said you are not attempting to vilify Justin Hughes. You LIAR whoever you are. Also cannot you understand Matthew 23 you DIMWIT!!!? The colourful language Justin uses is very mild compared to Jesus’ [“insulting”] language towards the hypocrites of that day. So get off your religious high horse and go somewhere alone & private and cry out to God for mercy. You obviously need it you accusing hypocrite.



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